Hungarian Food Business Program

Online Real-Time Catalogue

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Find your Hungarian export partner easily
As part of the 2021 business development activity of Agricultural Marketing Centre, we intended to create a real-time, online interface with up-to-date data, which categorizes Hungarian food manufacturers and their products, thus making them transparent and easily accessible for those interested in importing.
The system has been developed to become a modern, easy-to-use platform in line with today’s IT trends, which provides professional help equally for the Hungarian Food Industry players as well as for foreign buyers.
desktop and mobile

About the software

about icon
  • Online, real-time database
  • Contains the profiles of the exporting Hungarian food manufacturers
  • Segmented product portfolio that can be filtered according to several aspects
  • Two-stage registration
  • Once registered, the software is worldwide available with English language user interface
  • Direct internal mailing system

What we offer

we offer icon
  • An online, business facilitator food industry software
  • Free registration / usage
  • Knowledge base for exporting, professional reports
  • Simplified registration and matchmaking possibility for events organized by the Agricultural Marketing Centre
  • Quick download of the country catalogue in pdf format
  • Online, printable database of exportable Hungarian food manufacturing companies and their products
  • Most relevant export and delivery data of the products
Register NOW!
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account to sell goods
register buyer
Create buyer
account to buy goods
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other professional occupation
Food category
Uploaded products
a land of 2000 years of heritage is situated in the heart of Europe and has unique natural endowments